First speech day and prize giving was on 24 November 1961.

Tapton boasted musicians of high standard then as now.  Trumpet solos were played by Robin Pashley, a clarinet solo by Margaret Rodger and violin solos by Jean Shimeld and Alicia Weber. 

February 1961 – swimming galas were established at Glossop Road Baths.

December 1961 – the tradition of holding the school carol service at Ranmoor Parish Church began.

Autumn Term 1969 Tapton ceased to be a Secondary Modern when the 11 plus exam finished in Sheffield and it became a Comprehensive School.  The school was to take pupils up to the age of 16.  Any pupils who wished to attend a sixth form had to move to a local school or college to do so.  Up to this time the only language studied had been French but Latin and German were to be added and maybe other languages if a demand arose.  Physics and Biology had been taught before along with general sciences but Chemistry would also be taught as a separate science.

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